Sunday, July 12, 2009

Store Your Best Memories First

Conflict in Relationships: In life it seems inevitable that conflict will come between people in relationship. The relationships may be family, business, social, casual, or at your church, but if you experience life together, conflict and hurt feelings are sure to occur. Once conflict occurs, it is difficult for people to forgive and forget. Subconsciously when we see someone we remember the conflict, resentment, or disappointment we felt in the past and this creates an undesired natural tension and separation from the ones you are in relationship with.

Memory Boxes: A dcotor once told me that we store our memories in boxes and have a different box for each topic or person. When we see that person our mind opens their box of memories and “loads” our memories into our consciousness involuntarily. I have found that you cannot control the process of opening the memory box and the memory upload, but you can arrange the memories in the box.

Place the Best Memories First: Arrange your memories with the best memories first, so when you see someone that you have had conflict, resentment or disappointment with, the best memory of a good time or special shared moment comes to mind first, it draws you closer and creates a sense of joy and acceptance at seeing them. This gives you an opportunity for an enjoyable interaction and drawing closer instead of the natural separation that a painful memory brings.

It Takes Practice: This takes practice, but over time the painful memories are pushed to the back of the box and are only accessible if you really hunt for them. Life is full of choices and relationships are some of life's most precious gifts. Put your best memories first, you will be amazed at how much it frees you to live.

Colossians 3:13 (NIV) 13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.