Monday, June 29, 2009

Realtionships are like a Four Legged Stool

Relationships are like a Four Legged Stool
Relationships are like a four legged stool in Trust, Respect, Commitment and Communication. Saw off one or more of the legs and the stool becomes unstable or may fall. This principle applies in friendship, marriage, parenting, business, government, anywhere relationships are involved.

Trust is a key to relationships since people need to be able to rely on what the other person is telling them. Once trust is broken it is hard to earn back. Intentionally deceiving people even if it “was all in fun” can break trust with someone and harm the relationship.

Respect must be mutual between each party in that each values the gifts and abilities of the other. Ultimately respect is valuing the other person so highly that you listen with an open heart and mind to their thoughts and ideas without prejudice.

Commitment is required by both parties in a relationship for it to work. If both parties are not 110% committed to work hard at the success of the relationship, the party doing all the work will grow tired and quit as well.

Communication handled poorly or the lack of it is likely at the root of 80% of problems in relationships. Use word pictures or other communication techniques to make sure each party clearly understands the other.

Application: Remember the four legged stool of relationships, TRCC – Trust, Respect, Commitment and Communication.

Romans 12:9-10 (NRSV) Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.

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